Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Bald & the Beautiful

Its hitting womens heads like the plague...the clippers!!! But for real, its kinda dope. Yes this has been going on since the end of time, dating back to our African ancestors, the 70s and 80s. So why are folks tripping now when a young woman wants to shave her head? Kelis, Cassie, Lala, Raven Symone, Nina Sky, and more recently Solange, have all went snip, snip...snip. One of my girlfriends shaved her head...and has been getting mixed responses. She even said some of her co workers have went as far as calling her gay. I feel its the rebirth of the neo beauty movement. If it looks good on you, rock it. Alot of women keep hair on their head for a man or whatever may have you. Fuck that. Hair is gone girl, Express yourself!

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