Thursday, December 4, 2008

"Curve on her hip make me wanna Blackberry her..."

I am back to using the Blackberry. Moment of silence for my Dash....okay. I am super stoked. Finally. My old Blackberry went out on me after years of having it. Now its reincarnated and will be home with mama next Tuesday. I am so happy. Its been a long time coming. I could've got the Samsung Behold(yuck), or even the G1(ewww). But I chose you BB...I chose you.


Erika said...

Yea! Blackberry is the best! People who never had one are always saying I want the touch one but I'm like nah, if you got so used to the keys, you wouldn't want it. My BB is my homeboy.

Chris said...

...the G1 is dope are just a hater.

Unknown said...

Yes... my G1 is the best (especially in my white)...such a Hater..lmao!!!

Mz.Sullivan said...! I agree w/E. The BB is the best!!!! lol!

Yves said...

Crackberries are the way to go.