Sunday, June 29, 2008

Another Disclaimer

I put together the Pussie Galore blog, pretty much to serve as an all access pass into my mind. I am a weirdo, a creep at times, nerdy, masculine, and lovable. Among those things, I love fashion, nightlife, art, culture, and music. But in my perspective, my view point. I may rant, bitch, obsess, love, or come off as sarcastic. I say what others are scared to say, or want to say, especially as a woman. So basically, Pussie Galore is a combination of different complexities a woman carries. This generations woman (21-34 years old, or a 80s Baby) is sexual in a playful (not hoochie way), she is youthful, unique, knowledgeable, sassy, confidant, a homegirl, and a fashion innovator. With that being said, I will carry on this blog in my usual manner. Expect more of me, and others as I continue to serve up the goods straight out of my Pussie. ; )

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