Wednesday, June 25, 2008


All I have to say is...24 hour Walgreens are the shit! I live right by one, and I just don't know how I would survive without it. Imagine a world without a 24 hour Walgreens, huh? No late night booty call condom, I need a travel size toothbrush after you get snacks for you fatties like me, no quart of ice cream for getting that late night call that your man was seen in the club with another chick, no emergency contraceptive or spermicide...see, how bad that is? Gosh. Whew. I need to thank that store for all its help with...mainly food. What I want you to do today is picture your world without a Walgreens...not a bright picture, huh?


Rebecca V. O'Neal said...

ha! i live by one too.... 4 blocks.

ah the wonders

Chris said...

I wish one was closer to do make it sound amazing.