Friday, September 5, 2008

He likes me...he likes me not...

Happy Friday Dudes & Dudettes! So, I previously mention I hung out with my pseudo boo a few days ago...well, I sorta had a god awful head cold. He has a tendency of showing affection in the smallest, weirdest ways. When we are in bed together he might put his arm on mine, or place his body close enough where he can still feel my body, or lightly touching my foot with his foot. Well, when I was sick he told me he had cold medicine and I could help myself to it. Of course, I never got around to doing a little after he said this, I could here a spoon clinking to a glass. He then brings me a glass of Alka Seltzer Flu. Now anybody who knows me, know I don't do Alka Seltzer. The aspirin in it is bad for your stomach. I hadn't had that shit since I was 14. After rejecting it like I was 9, I finally drunk it all down, while he was literally standing over me.I instantly felt better. I mean....I thought that was the sweetest thing ever. My ex used to make me medicine when I asked, or throw me in the shower when I got wasted. But its been a while since I had that type of affection. Maybe he does like me? Who knows...

1 comment:

Chris said...

I mean, I don't see why he would do that unless he liked you...but these days you never know.