Thursday, October 16, 2008

I would have waaaaaaaaaay more party pics but...

My girlfriends suck. I pretty much roll out every week with dudes. We talk about chicks, chicks, chicks...yeah, you get my drift. My girls put bros before their hoes. As corny as it sounds, its true. They ditch a bitch for the dick. And they all have boring 9 to 5 jobs. Ugh! I remember those days. So I woke up this morning pissed...cause I should have waaaaay more party pics than I do( I already have a large amount, but...). Fucking bitches.


Erika said...

Damn, I know how you feel. Hitting up the strip club with just dudes is like that too. Back in ATL all my girls were boring too, and would rather stay home than go out, so I hung with dudes there. I don't know though...I think the illest girls can hang with dudes. Those bitches can have fun in the tub but I'm gonna be getting my party on.

Mz.Sullivan said...

I love that "fun in the tub..." Its so true though. You only live life once...why sit in the house!