Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Hell...what does she know?

Its September. And pretty much fall is here...well its been here since mid-July to me. Fall is one of my most favorite seasons. Its great for fashion, weather, Halloween, and my b-day! My friend argued me down yesterday, saying Summer was the best season for fashion. How is being naked because of the hot temps fashionable? The weather pretty much predicts the way you should dress. Fall forces you to be creative....anyhoo, she is tacky, so I don't know why I was arguing with her.

1 comment:

Erika said...

haha, yes girl, fall is the best season. i love sweaters and summer dresses with tights and leggings and boots, and nice jackets...psssh! fall is where it's at. summer sucks...all hot and sticky and sweatin off your makeup right after you apply it...my bangs turn into a little cave of sweat!