Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So if you all remember(it should be hard if you are living your life like you are supposed to...), I won the opportunity to blog on Misbehaves website. So here I am, telling everyone, getting my post ready, and boom...there are technical difficulties. I wait another week...nothing. I mean I turned my post in...but I think I was outed. I mean they could have just told me I was wack! lol! It feels like...when you just get accepted in by the Mean Girls, and you think everything is cool. But bam! Gotcha...you just wasn't cool enough. Or...or...or, a guy that is feeling you, up until he gets the ass, and then he forgets about you. lmfao! Who knows...stay tuned.


Erika said...

Don't worry...I sort of felt the same way in the beginning! Just email Sarah and ask her what's going on. She'll let you know what's up...she's good like that.

aQwRd-E said...

cha major problems on my end to. do you know what happened? cause sarah just never emailed me back, wtf indeed.

Mz.Sullivan said...

Dunno...I tried emailing her again...but its cool though. Weird.