Thursday, July 3, 2008

Brenda’s got a problem!!!

This has been an on going subject lately…I had to chime in….
I sometimes I hate @$#%&*@#$ people. U wanna know why? Because only “they” can take something that was and still a serious epidemic in America and glamorize it. Teen pregnancy was acknowledged in rap songs and low budget films in the early nineties. What was once embarrassing, and only seen in lower class Americans, is now popularized by movies like Juno, Jamie Lynn Spears, and every other fucking wack ass celebrity. WTF! We as a culture and a race, were shunned upon, simply because, the lack of sexual education. I guess its now okay to be knocked up and sixteen. Thanks!!! Lets continue to educate, young people!

1 comment:

Chris said...

I mean, you can go back further than that where it was so bad that parents use to send you to New York to a "Special School" for one year just so the family wouldn't be looked at with the side eye...yeah, things really have changed.