Thursday, July 17, 2008

The 20-Somethings…

Once you get to your mid-twenties, you sorta go through an early mid life crisis. Questions arise…should I have kids, should I get married, am I doing what I love, will my metabolism slow down…shit like that. You evaluate all you’ve done, and wonder is it enough. I mean, imagine being 25….you are stuck in between innocence and adulthood. Its hella crazy. Like Michael Jackson. The other day my aunts’ friend (who can be irritating) stops by our crib to visit. It’s like a TV show neighbor. They pop in without a key or even a knock. Anyhoo, she tells me how her friends daughter has graduated from Dartmouth (like I really give a fuck), and she has two degrees, making that guap. It seems like she always mention her around me. Well she took it pretty far this particular day. She then goes to say that some people are just born with it…I asked, born with what? She then proceeds to say, you know, brains, to get far in life. WTF! She also starts to say, that you shouldn’t wait till you get pass 28 to have kids. Wow, well my life is all screwed up. And to put the nail in the coffin, she says that I haven’t found my niche, that’s all. My niche? Bitch, I ain’t some confused teenager! A What! I was already feeling down about myself, I just felt even worst. Let me put it to you like this folks, school ain’t for everybody. Granted, I did go, but I regret it. The education system is so screwed up. Let me give you an example, you have to have a child, or your parents need to be dead to get a free ride. See? My mom was dirt poor, and I still had to come out of my pockets. A refund check? Ha! I never saw one. I feel like listening to some Dead Prez right about now! Fuck you, and fuck the system. I am out to cheat the system, fudgefackers. To be continued…


Chris said...

My thing was, my p's made good money, but they overextended themselves while i was in HS, so I couldn't get $h^%. I had to get scholorships...and by the time I went, I figured out that college is just like the corporate world...suck enough ass and you can get over. I wasn't really feeling I haven't gone back. Granted, I know plenty of cats that I am way smarter than...but they have a isn't fair. They should let certain people test out of college...I think I could; being the fact that my IQ qualified me to be a member of Mensa...

Rebecca V. O'Neal said...

this is some reeeeeeeaaaaallll life stuff.

i can relate to your post and the comment above.

i'm 21 now (woop woop), took 3 semesters off school for financial reasons (fafsa aint shit), started doing promo, which is going well... BUT it's hard not to measure success by other people's standards.

and i can completely relate to feeling like your stuck between childhood and adulthood - it's a tough stage to be in...

my parents split up right as i was starting college so i thought i was gonna get some DOUGH for school by only claiming one of them - NOT!

also - because I always went to good schools (ted lenart regional gifted center & walter payton college prep), my parents were pissed when i went to columbia so they didn't give me a dime to help out....

i'm not tryna tell my life story, but this post really registered with me. This is an existential phase in everyone's life... that 20-something phase.

i know for a fact i'm doing what i love - i just can't wait until i can completely support myself doing it lol.

stay strong! and don't measure yourself by other peoples' standards, you'll second guess what you know it right for YOU.