Thursday, July 10, 2008

Superhead is a Superread

Okay, okay. I know I must be the last person on earth to read this book. But that’s because everyone had already told me pretty much most of the book! Well, while searching for some porn around the house last week, I came across Confessions of a Vixen, in my aunt’s book stash. Superdope, cause I was bored anyway. I decided that instead of masturbating, I would finish this book in a day. And I did. While reading and watching videos, I became intertwined in this tale of sex, drugs, and pretty much rap & roll. I cried, laughed, and felt horny all at once. I honestly could put myself in the shoes of Karrine Steffens. Especially being in a mini industry of what she does...hell; I am one step or phone call away of being in that lifestyle. She caught a lot of flack for writing this book, but I never agreed with any of it. Women are always subjected for our sexuality, and Men are accepted for theirs. No fair. So what she put a few rappers on blast! In the end, it didn’t hurt them. The main lesson I got from the book was breaking the bad cycles of which our families have created. And I think that’s what everyone should’ve focused on. The End.

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