Friday, July 11, 2008

Mrs. Butterworth rocks!

Did you all spot Mrs. Butterworth in the new Geico commercial? WTF! She makes a guest appearance as the celeb that usually explains the customers’ experience. The funniest part about this shit is that Mrs. Butterworth gets the Geico logo put right across her face at the end of the commercial. Hilarious! She then says in her Mrs. B voice, “Oh, and someone just put the logo right over my face.” Genius.


Erika said...

These new commercials where Ms. Butterworth is talking kind of scare me. And what about Aunt Jemima, the syrupy slave woman! If she could talk, she'd probably sound like Ceely from the Color Purple. That's why advertisers won't give her any play.

Mz.Sullivan said...

Fucking Hilarious! lmfao! She was kinda creepy...ewww...

Chris said...

I'm telling you right now...the worst commercial I've ever seen is that damn Hot Pockets Commercial with the asian dude in's SO racist... is it wrong that I love it?

Mz.Sullivan said...

I haven't seen that one yet. Funny! Its not weird that you like it though...